Category: Camera

Video Surveillance Camera
By: Date: December 31, 2019 Categories: Camera

  • Fixed vs PTZ: A camera can be fixed to only look at one specific view or it can be movable through the use of panning, tilting and zooming (i.e., moving left and right, up and down, closer and farer away). Most cameras used in surveillance are fixed. PTZ cameras are generally used to cover wider fields of views and should generally be used only if you expect a monitor to actively use the cameras on a daily basis. A key reason fixed cameras are generally used is that they cost 5 -8 times less than PTZs (fixed cameras average $200 – $500 USD whereas PTZ cameras can be over $2,000 USD).
  • Color vs Infrared vs Thermal: In TV, a video can be color or black and white. In video surveillance today, the only time producing a black and white image

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Versatile Reversing Camera Systems
By: Date: December 28, 2019 Categories: Camera

In its essence the reversing camera is meant to help drivers while backing up by offering them a view of the rear on a display screen placed inside the car. In actuality reversing cameras have other benefits as well. This is especially true when you consider the new versatile collection of reversing camera systems.

The latest reversing camera systems will be able to offer you a high quality LCD monitor ranging from 3.5 inches up to seven inches. This will be coupled by a color coded camera that has night vision capabilities making use of infrared technology.

Some of the monitors have an extremely compact design with built in receivers. The technology advanced reversing cameras have the feature to adjust their lighting automatically as the natural light in the outside environment changes.

The reversing camera systems of today will allow …

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Picture Clarity With Digital Cameras
By: Date: December 28, 2019 Categories: Camera
  1. Compact Digital Cameras – These are a range of small and easily portable cameras in various colors and sleek designs that also incorporate some of the basic features of analogue cameras. These have retractable zoom lenses fitted even though the range of the same is less. There are certain features that are not available in compact analogue cameras owing to the lack of size capacity.
  2. Bridge analogue Cameras – This is a high end range of digital cameras that closely resemble the DSLR cameras. Despite the presence of some of the advanced features this is also restricted by a small zoom range of a fixed lens and a small sensor.
  3. DSLR Cameras(Digital Single Lens Reflex Cameras) – The analogue SLR cameras are unique in the world of photography as they use a mechanical mirror system and pentaprism that directs light
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Sensor Gel Stick
By: Date: December 23, 2019 Categories: Camera

First of all, you should get the sensor exposed. Once the whole sensor becomes visible, you should clean the lens with the gel stick. Then you should clean the dust off the gel using the adhesive paper that comes with the gel stick. Remember: don’t make a rush when cleaning the camera. You don’t want to drop the camera accidentally.

You can use the gel several times repeating the process over and over again. Once you are done, you should turn the camera off, install the lens and set the aperture to f/32. Now, take a photo of a white wall or a white piece of paper. If the picture is free of any spots, the lens is clean.

Usually, sensor gel sticks should not be used in a room with a temperature lower than 40F. The ideal temperature is …

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Nikon D3400 Autofocus
By: Date: December 21, 2019 Categories: Camera Tags:

There are a couple of occasions when you might want to use manual. If, for example, you are shooting video and you have somebody who is fairly static, then I would recommend that you first of all use autofocus to ensure that the subject is sharp, and then switch it over to manual. That is just to prevent the possibility of, when the subject moves in or out of the frame or in and out of focus, it stops the camera trying to track. The other time might be if I am shooting landscapes. Now, again, I might well use the cameras autofocus system in order to make sure that I have everything in focus and then switch it off. That is really just to ensure that whilst I am either setting up or composing or while I am actually …

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Digital vs Film Cameras
By: Date: December 18, 2019 Categories: Camera

At their most basic level, Cameras, both the Single Lens Reflex Camera and Digital Camera simply involve using a curved piece of glass or plastic (lens) to conduct a beam of light bouncing off an object, and to redirect this light in such a way that a real image is formed-an image that looks exactly like the object in front of the lens. The only difference between manual or conventional film cameras and digital cameras lies in how these basic processes are accomplished.

In film cameras, after the lens has formed an image of the object, the image is then focused on and recorded by a chemically-coated piece of plastic, the film. Then the film is chemically processed, after which the image is printed onto a photographic paper, and then we have pictures that can then be stored in our …

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Old School Flash
By: Date: December 11, 2019 Categories: Camera Tags:

The main problem with film flash photography is that the lighting effect cannot be seen until a print has been made. Additionally, the position in which the flashgun is mounted to the camera is less than ideal for some types of photography, portraiture for example, since it produces a very flat light, and casts disagreeable shadows. Good results therefore require the photographer to understand how they can manipulate this set-up, and knowledge stems from careful experimentation and experience.

There are two ingredients to successful film flash photography. The first is correct exposure. Every flashgun has a “guide number” for every speed of film (although the number for 100 ASA/ISO is most frequently used), and that number is based on the flash firing at the subject directly. The higher the guide number, the more powerful the flashgun is, although some manufacture’s …

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Benefits Compact Digital Camera
By: Date: December 8, 2019 Categories: Camera

Lower cost

Compared to film photographs where film processing fee is required and film prices have risen recently as supply diminishes, users only have to spend minimal ongoing costs on compact cameras since images can be stored in computer devices without printing. If you have a few photos you really like, you can print them out yourselves or get them professionally printed at photography store without wasting money on printing the unwanted images.

Many digital cameras are highly affordable to those who want to shoot good quality images, for around $150 you can get a pretty respectable camera without sacrificing image quality and features.

Transferring photos

If you want to preserve and share some old film photos on the Internet, you need to scan and convert them into digital format first. Nowadays with a USB cable, users can connect camera …

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Waterproof Digital Cameras on Budget
By: Date: December 3, 2019 Categories: Camera

Olympus Stylus Tough 6000

This first camera is made by Olympus, one of the leaders in the waterproof digital cameras field, and has qualities that live up to the name. The Stylus Tough 6000 is waterproof up to 10 feet, is shock resistant (capable of withstanding falls up to five feet), and is freeze resistant – which is perfect if you like the frozen outdoors. Anywhere you want to go, this waterproof camera can handle it. And with 10 megapixels, the picture resolution is pretty good, too.

Canon Powershot D10

Canon, another big name in the camera industry, has become known for making high-quality waterproof digital cameras.  The Powershot D10 is no exception. With 12.1 megapixels, this waterproof camera has great resolution.  It also is waterproof up to 10 meters (30 feet), which means you can take this diving with …

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Selecting Digital Scouting Camera
By: Date: December 1, 2019 Categories: Camera


Digital scouting cameras which include an external battery jack are excellent choices. A typical digital camera battery used in a hunting territory may last ten days or less. A large external rechargeable battery can function for five or six months in a hunting area. They save money over the long term and save hunters from spending the time to continually access the deer camera. Less trips also makes it less likely a hunter will scare away the deer with human scent.

Trigger Time

This is basically a measurement of the amount of time that elapses from the detection of motion by the camera until the picture is taken. Some deer cameras react immediately while other can take five seconds. If the camera is taking images at a food plot then a quick trigger time is not necessary.

Flash Types

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