Category: Photography

Avoid These Newbie Photographer Fails
By: Date: June 16, 2019 Categories: Photography

Mounting Lens Hood Backwards

For convenient storage, you can usually keep your lens hood mounted the opposite way on your camera. The mistake comes when you begin shooting and you’ve forgotten to take your Lens Hood off to have it fixed on properly. The lens hood for your camera has been designed especially for your camera, to avoid unwanted light affecting your image (e.g. you might get lens flare in a situation where you don’t want it).

Forgetting To Change White Balance

White Balance ensures that anything with white in your frame appears white in your photo. Forgetting to change the White Balance can cause unwanted discoloring of your photos (e.g. whites can appear blue, orange, or even a green).

The OIS Switch Not Turned Off On A Tripod

This one is a very easy mistake to make. Optical Image …

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Saving Slides
By: Date: June 14, 2019 Categories: Photography

One problem with sending them out for conversion to photos is that they won’t pick the best ones and discard the rest. Also, they won’t crop, center and straighten the problem pictures. Dark ones will turn out visible but slightly dark and off color.

It is important to sit down with your wife or significant other to decide which slide are important enough to keep. Duplicate slides should be avoided and this is an opportunity to discard any extremely under or over exposed slides. If someone got carried away on a trip to the park or another country and took too many pictures, judicious editing will keep the number of images to a minimum for interesting viewing.

A method I have used with great success is to photograph each slide with a digital camera. I first cleaned any dust from …

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Tricks Photograph in the Snow
By: Date: June 14, 2019 Categories: Photography

Most cameras see the snow as a brightly lit area and adjust the exposure towards middle gray to account for it. In other words, the picture comes out dark. The camera’s exposure meter can’t tell the difference between snow white or any other color. It simply tries to adjust the bright white towards an average scene. This leaves your breathtaking snow pictures dark and gray looking instead of vibrant white. Welcome to the world of snow photography!

Now, I guess you are wondering how you can stop the camera from doing that, so you can get the photo you desire. It’s quite simple. All you have to do is adjust the exposure compensation setting on your camera to the setting that gives you the look you desire. You may want to start with EV +1 as that works well most …

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GoPro Editing Software
By: Date: June 13, 2019 Categories: Photography

The first thing you want to have is a designated folder for your video files. If you like to record a lot of video, then you would be surprised to learn just how much space it takes up over time and how quickly it can get out of hand for you to try to keep track of your files. For individual video projects you will want to create sub-folders and organize them either by date or by specific project titles. This will also make it easier to pull any videos for further edits.

On the technical side of the GoPro video editing process you want to be sure to have a dedicated video editor. If you are stuck using Windows Movie Maker then you will definitely want to download the free GoPro Studio Edit Software. This program natively handles GoPro …

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Take Great Water Photos
By: Date: June 12, 2019 Categories: Photography

Freeze Water

There is no way you will take great photos if you don’t freeze the water. One of the most effective ways of doing this is using a very fast shutter speed. This calls for you to set your camera to its fastest shutter speed.

Be Cautious When Shooting Large Waves

Waves are great when you shoot them properly. You should note that the larger the wave, the more dramatic it is. To take excellent photos you should use a lens with a long focal length. You should also remember to keep your distance when taking the photos.

Use Reflection To Your Advantages

Water has a great reflective quality; therefore, you should take advantage of it. For ideal results you should shoot in more than one direction while paying a lot of attention to the position of the sun.…

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Compose A Great Photo
By: Date: June 11, 2019 Categories: Photography Tags:

Rule Of Thirds

Compose your photo using the rule of thirds. Divide the picture area in to nine squares. Supposing you are taking a photograph of a landscape then the top one-third should be of the horizon and the bottom two-thirds should be of the scenery closer to you. You can also use this to compose the picture of a person by placing them in the central two squares and the back ground in the rest of the area of the picture. If it is a river or mountain in the background then place the person in the right or left bottom two squares of the composition while the river or mountain is placed on the side in the background.

Golden Triangle

When there are strong diagonal elements in the subject, divide the scenery into three triangles. A right-angled triangle …

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Info of Handling New Models
By: Date: June 6, 2019 Categories: Photography

For one, this diverts the hair and makeup craftsman. Rather, I watch them painstakingly. I search for their general feeling of being. How they hold themselves, on the off chance that they are loquacious with the hairdresser or in the event that they’re timid and hard to get through. I search for their body stance, they’re general nearness. It’s somewhat similar to being an investigator. Then again even an analyst.

When I get them before my camera to start with, I warm them up by being well disposed yet not excessively fake. I need them to realize that my gestures of recognition are real and not over the top. I need to recollect that new young ladies to require a great deal of commendation. Generally now, when I shoot, the models are experienced. It’s less demanding for me since I …

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Set Up a Simple Photography Studio
By: Date: June 5, 2019 Categories: Photography Tags:

Let’s start with the most available light there is, daylight. It might seem silly, but using the natural daylight, will provide you with the best light there is. Studio lights, are built to try and mimic this light in it’s various forms. Sitting your subject next to a window, will provide a very complimentary colour and softness to the light. The softer the light, the more it wraps around your subject.

If using the window method, try both direct sunlight and indirect shaded light for different effects, and the best part, it’s free! To mimic this kind of light we use studio strobes or “flash” as they are commonly known. The easiest set up to get, is a single strobe and a large reflector and stand. Many places sell these as kits for as little as $600, sometimes including remote …

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Droste Effect Photography
By: Date: June 4, 2019 Categories: Photography

Use photo editing software

Once you have taken a photo that you are happy with, open up your photo editing software program of choice, and open an image on your computer that you want to apply the Droste effect to. Your photo editing software program will open the file for editing. Using an eraser or brush tool from the control panel, click on the slider to make the edges of the eraser feathered. You may want to play around with a number of different brush presets in the control panel area before you choose on a tool which will best create this effect. An eraser or brush tool with a feathered edge can soften the transitions between the different images that you will use to create the Droste effect.

Use the brush tool to erase portions of the image

Using …

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Ways to Earn As You Shoot
By: Date: June 1, 2019 Categories: Photography

Sell your photos at local art shows

One of the best ways you can make money from your photos is to sell your prints at local street fairs and art shows. You can turn your best photos into small postcards, framed prints, or canvas art pieces and set up a stall to display your work. Look online for art shows and fairs in your local area, and set aside a budget to have your photos printed in a number of different formats in professional quality. You never know who might see your work, and selling your prints could lead to a number of different work opportunities.

Take on some paid jobs

Although it might not be the type of photography you want to specialize in, you can make money from taking photos at weddings, anniversaries, birthdays and engagement parties. Create …

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