Primary Colors
Many of us know about the primary shades, we all have learnt about them in school. They are the colors that can’t be made by mixing two colors, they are primary colors of a color wheel. While a standard artist color wheel makes use of red, yellow and blue as primary colors many photographers think regarding RBG (red, blue and green) color spectrum.
Secondary Shades
Secondary colors are a result of the mixing of primary colors. On the photographers color wheel, these shades are orange, purple and green.
Tertiary Hues
Tertiary colors are created by combining the secondary and primary shades. For instance, when using the first yellow, blue and red hues wheel mixing the orange and red or green and blue would result in tertiary hues.
Complementary Shades
One of the most common links is between the additional hues. Complementary colors fall in the opposite from one another on the color board. These colors develop high contrast and grab the viewer attention.
Analogous Colors
Analogous hues are next to each other on the wheel. Making use of similar shades create a more harmonious shade scheme and low-contrast.
Monochromatic Hues
The monochromes are usually referred as black and white; monochromatic shades are made from hues of just one hue, for example, several different tones of blue. Monochromatic shades are low in contrast and usually create a soothing look.