Matrix of digital camera
The quality of the image depends largely on the matrix – a device with a certain amount of light elements. It is responsible for color, noise, the transfer of small details, the depth of field. The number of pixels does not always correspond with the image. Also digital camera matrix is characterized by sensitivity to light. To get high quality photos, the camera should be able to manually set the sensitivity, because in the automatic mode electronics use this option not that good. The best images obtained with sensitivity below 100 ISO, but sometimes there is a need to shoot high value of this parameter, for example, in the dark. It would therefore be better if the edge sensitivity in digital cameras will be as wide as possible.
Optics and digital camera lenses
Selection of optics is crucial. First of all, pay attention to this parameter and zoom which can be digital or optical. Good cameras have both, and given only cheaper digital zoom. Digital zoom is performed by an increase in the frame after the shooting and before truncation of its size, thereby losing quality. Optical zoom works through changes in focal length lens. In practice, they are mainly used to enlarge when physically impossible to approach the subject. Sometimes manufacturers indicate zoom value, multiplying at an optical digital.
If you’re interested in camera with optical zoom, it would be important focal length lenses, as well as the possibility of installing a replacement optics.
Image quality on how well the electronics will handle data from the matrix. Manufacturers indicate only file formats, which are stored images from the camera. Most cameras record data in the only format JPEG, which took place far less than professional formats, but visually differs little from them. Supporting of professional formats (TIFF, RAW) said on a higher level software and equipment of good quality electronics.
Digital Camera Power Supply
Often choosing a camera we pay no attention to digital camera power supply. And to be franc, it does not affect the quality of images (but will affect the price and usability).
Some cameras are fed from the normal AA batteries, which are not lasting for more than 50 shots.
There are cameras, feeding of lithium batteries. Sometimes they are built into the camera, that, first, uncomfortable in the absence of several sockets, and secondly, the duration of their service is limited. Another option is alkaline batteries, which is one of the best options. But in any case, the emergency power source will not be redundant.If you want compare prices on batteries it is wise – camera batteries [] site.
Memory Cards
Some digital cameras are equipped with a built-in memory, but usually no more than 32 megabytes. Therefore, most digital image is stored on external memory card. Normal size is 2-4 Gigabytes for this moment. Any of the existing cards will work, because speed of the processor is an appropriate in camera. The difference is only in the price of memory card. The most expensive to date are MemoryStick (Sony) and xD-Picture Card (Olympus), and the most compact available and reliable Secure Digital.
The display of digital camera
The advantage of digital cameras have LCD displays. First, they allow to immediately view the captured frame and immediately withdraw it again, secondly, to provide an opportunity to withdraw from uncomfortable regulations, performing the function viewfinder, thirdly, displays all the camera settings. By the undoubted worth minus additional costs including battery, from this point of view mirror cameras are better. For convenience, it is important that the LCD screen was equipped with a turning mechanism and had by the largest possible resolution.
The Flash
Digital cameras without a flash are not suitable for work in conditions of poor illumination. Cheap models equipped with a built flash, which to some extent helps, but sometimes may, instead, give excessive illumination. In such cases, appropriate use of digital cameras connected to the external flash. Along with the timing of momentum going on exchange of information between the flash and camera on the necessary energy for momentum. Connection type flash, unfortunately, every manufacturer makes different connectors, and there is no general standard yet.