Category: Photography

6 Incredible Photography Techniques
By: Date: December 17, 2022 Categories: Photography

Photography Techniques

Whether you are an expert or just starting out, some incredible photography techniques can improve your photography. These tips can improve your composition and lighting. They can even help you capture the perfect moment.


Creating compelling photos is about utilizing composition. By putting subjects in the right places and eliminating distracting elements, the viewer’s eye is guided to the point of interest. As mentioned by Zoe Reardon, composition is a complex concept, but several fundamental rules can help you achieve balanced images. Among these are the rule of thirds and filling the frame. The rule of thirds is one of the first composition rules that a beginner should learn. It divides the photo frame with two horizontal lines that are equally spaced. A good way to practice this technique is to get down on the ground and take

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How To Recover Deleted Files From Mac OS X/Mac‍
By: Date: May 21, 2022 Categories: Photography Tags:

If you’ve ever had to recover deleted files from a Mac, you know that the process can be a bit daunting. Luckily, this guide will help you get through it as quickly and efficiently as possible. We’ll cover the different Mac data recovery from a Mac, as well as some tips on how to avoid losing files in the first place.

So whether you’ve accidentally deleted a file or have had to recover one for some reason, this guide will have you covered.

Back up your Mac

Before you begin recovering files from your Mac, you should make sure to back up all of your data just in case something goes wrong. This will ensure that you have a copy of all your files somewhere else in case the worst happens. So, make sure to back up your Mac using …

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Shoot for the Moon
By: Date: January 27, 2020 Categories: Photography

Almost everyone has experienced a “moon-lit night”. This is when a full moon, or nearly full moon, lights up a dark night. You see everything around you fairly well, which is evidence that the small amount of sunlight that the moon reflects is actually quite bright.

Why is this a problem for moon photography? When the moon is so bright and everything itself is much darker, it is impossible to make a photo where both the moon and the subject are clearly visible. Either the moon is very bright and washed out (and everything else is properly exposed), or the moon’s details are well-defined, but everything else is black or very dark. We’ll get to possible solutions in a little bit.

The other problem with moon photography is that it is actually quite small in the sky. Using a normal …

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Producing Wonderful Canvas Prints
By: Date: January 27, 2020 Categories: Photography

Speedy convenience

If you are considering canvas prints online; take into account that like most other production methods, it’s more convenient and cost saving to have as many pictures processed at one time as possible. Your online service has the capacity to provide you with prints on canvas quickly and effectively. An example of this is that not only can the original photo to be transformed onto canvas, but also the negatives.

Prints for effective gifts

Canvas prints online make unusual and special gifts that are highly appreciated by the recipient. High-quality photos on canvas can be produced from digital photos, with this method of transformation being an easy and effective process. For a professional, it is possible for ordinary photographs to be transposed into a canvas print; using the latest procedures. In the application of the Giclee canvas, the …

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Insight Into Image Masking
By: Date: January 25, 2020 Categories: Photography

Another masking technique utilizes the transparency of the object (in an image) itself to affect its visibility. This can help you to edit your old images and give them a new look. You can also play around with your new images and create something unique that can be used in advertising, social networking or just for creating a photo album. For masking an object, you can either use a vector or a bitmap image. The technique can be applied to multiple objects or grouped objects as well. Often, business professionals use masking for creating catalogues for various products that they sell.

If you have used other vector illustration applications such as Macromedia FreeHand, perhaps you are familiar with vector masks, which are very convenient for image editing. The layout of a vector mask object crops the underlying objects to the …

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Seamless Portrait Editing Idea
By: Date: January 24, 2020 Categories: Photography

Open Your Portrait

After opening your portrait on Photoshop make a duplicate of the image twice by pressing Ctrl + J two times, because we don’t want to affect the original image.

Naming the layers

Edit the upper layer name to ‘High Frequency’ and lower layer to ‘Low Frequency’. Hide the upper layer by clicking on the eyeball icon.

Applying Gaussian Blur Effect

Select the lower layer and go to the Filter and click on Blur then select Gaussian Blur and drag the slider to right to get a slightly blurry effect so that wrinkles and pimples disappear. Now bring back the visibility of the upper layer and select it.

Apply Image

Selecting the upper layer, in our case ‘High Frequency’ go to Image and click on apply image from the drop down menu. When the dialog box appears, select …

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Colors Theory
By: Date: January 23, 2020 Categories: Photography

Primary Colors

Many of us know about the primary shades, we all have learnt about them in school. They are the colors that can’t be made by mixing two colors, they are primary colors of a color wheel. While a standard artist color wheel makes use of red, yellow and blue as primary colors many photographers think regarding RBG (red, blue and green) color spectrum.

Secondary Shades

Secondary colors are a result of the mixing of primary colors. On the photographers color wheel, these shades are orange, purple and green.

Tertiary Hues

Tertiary colors are created by combining the secondary and primary shades. For instance, when using the first yellow, blue and red hues wheel mixing the orange and red or green and blue would result in tertiary hues.

Complementary Shades

One of the most common links is between the …

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Fashion and Portfolio Shoot
By: Date: January 22, 2020 Categories: Photography Tags:

Pre-Shoot Planning

  • Step 1: Budget. It’s always best to asses your budget first. You don’t want to start planning, hoping, and dreaming up an amazing concept, only to realize you can’t afford to make it a reality.
  • Step 2: Creative Direction. Now that you know how much budget you have to work with, you can brainstorm your creative direction. A mood board made up of tears is a great place to start. Pulling tears can be physically tearing what you like from catalogs and magazines, taking screen grabs of other websites, pulling past work of your own, or making a Pinterest board. Whatever you do, it’s a good idea to put it into a sharable digital format so you can easily share it with other members of your team. It’s important to review and keep in mind the product you
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Pose Like a Model for Photos
By: Date: January 19, 2020 Categories: Photography

The Classic Hands-On-Hip

It’s always a good idea to not leave your hands limp or rogue. Perching one arm on the hip, weight shifted to one side and relaxing your shoulders. This “Teapot” pose is so popular with models, it slims your figure and creates a tall and dignified look that makes the waist appears slimmer. Be sure to position your lifted arm that’s placed on the hip to show off any fancy accessories or nail polish art.

Use the Mirror

Pose in front of your new BFF, the mirror, until you are near perfect at it. Learn your body shape and pick sides and angles you love. Forget about feeling guilty about your vanity, and remember “all is vanity”. Use your imagination and pretend someone else is behind the mirror, camera in hand and snapping away. Keep your feet …

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Mirror Effect Using Photoshop
By: Date: January 17, 2020 Categories: Photography Tags:

The first thing you will need to do is upload the images to your computer. After that, you will need to open Photoshop and then access the images in it one by one. Once you have opened the first image, right-click on it and then click on the option that says ‘Duplicate Layer’ and then click on ‘OK’. At this point, you will have to drag the panel where the image is displayed and increase its size in order to create space for the mirror image under it. After that create a ‘New Guide’ by selecting the same from the menu option called ‘View’.

The value for ‘Orientation’ and ‘Position’ should be ‘Vertical’ and ‘50%’ respectively. Now, you should drag the main image to the left of the guide that has been created with the help of the ‘Move tool’. …

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