Pose Like a Model for Photos
By: Date: January 19, 2020 Categories: Photography

The Classic Hands-On-Hip

It’s always a good idea to not leave your hands limp or rogue. Perching one arm on the hip, weight shifted to one side and relaxing your shoulders. This “Teapot” pose is so popular with models, it slims your figure and creates a tall and dignified look that makes the waist appears slimmer. Be sure to position your lifted arm that’s placed on the hip to show off any fancy accessories or nail polish art.

Use the Mirror

Pose in front of your new BFF, the mirror, until you are near perfect at it. Learn your body shape and pick sides and angles you love. Forget about feeling guilty about your vanity, and remember “all is vanity”. Use your imagination and pretend someone else is behind the mirror, camera in hand and snapping away. Keep your feet in check for full-body shots, they are always closest to the mirror and you do not want to appear big-footed.

Go Lower

When sitting your camera height should be well above your eye level and your photographer standing a little far for the best result. This particular technique would show all your features, hair and makeup and also give you the illusion of a more petite, skinny frame.

Photographers often totally forget their own height and shoot from below the model’s eye line and you should never let them do that if you want the perfect photo. The chances that a shot from below help increase the height of subject or create the dramatic heroine shot you may be looking for are slim, and failed results with disappearing chins, weird shadows and dwarf shots are nearly always the end game.

For selfies, keeping your phone lens above your head will capture only your best angles and keep your neck looking elongated and swan-like.

Turn Your Head

If your face is asymmetrical in any way, not to worry you’re in good company. The easy fix for photos is to turn your head a bit when snapping and let the perfect tilt and camera angle hide that crooked smile of yours. Tilting your head is also a great trick for slimming your profile so if you really want to pose like a model, try turning slightly rather than facing the camera head on.

Stand Straight, Chin Out

Let the one thing you do not forget about perfecting your photo posture be to put your best foot and chin forward and stand up straight.

Cameras are only two-dimensional, meaning a photo cannot display its subject in all three dimensions unless it is shot that way purposely. When posing in front of the camera and looking straight at it, pushing your chin out, down and forward can extend your jawline, creating the sharper and stronger facial lines that are associated with model features.